Paint this picture. You’ve worked long and hard for 12 years of schooling. Late nights, early mornings, school projects, boring assemblies, ornery teachers, acne – all these things you’ve endured. Now it is time for you to close this chapter and open a new book to adulthood. Unfortunately because of a global pandemic, you are going to miss out on the Graduation Experience, DOH! (as Homer Simpson would say).

Thankfully, someone has invented a brand new concept that can help ease the pain that you are experiencing. You can have a party online with GradFan. This new platform allows a student to celebrate their milestone with a personalized page on their site. It is a novel idea. Friends and family can read about the things you will miss most about high school, read about your future plans, sign your virtual yearbook and even give you a give through their CashApp integration.  It’s a wonder no one ever thought of this before.


Each GradFan site is setup on a secure page. All info transmitted on the site is encrypted through https. Each page has it’s own link which is not searchable so only those who you want to see will be able to view your info.


When you get a GradFan site, you will receive a smartly designed, custom flyer. It has your name, link and your picture to make it super simple for your friends to participate in your celebration. The flyer is ready for print or sharing on all the popular networks. You could also share your custom link in your feed as easy as a YouTube video or meme.

Integrated with CashApp

One of the greatest parts of graduation is getting the gifts from your family and friends. Right now with the lock-down in place over much of the country, travel may be difficult. Now, your family and friends can send you a quick gift right from your GradFan site.

Setup is a breeze

It’s easy to set up. Just go to and click Get Yours to start. There is a fee of $125 at the time of this writing but they have sales from time to time. There is even a discount of $20 if you are referred by one of their referral partners.