There is a way to live and a way to thrive in this life. I’ve found that savoring the day and all that is has to offer makes me the most joyous each morning. I work to appreciate the small things ans the large things, the fun and the sad times. You only get one life so you should definitely make the most of it.

Show appreciation
Everyone doesn’t subscribe to this way of thinking. Some are bogged down in their everyday struggles. Many are stressed and saddened by current events, family problems, money issues, health challenges and more. In short, everyone is not always in a good mood. However, a simple ‘thank you’ or gentle compliment can really perk up someone’s day. A great thought is to compliment someone’s talent instead of their appearance. In many cases saying “You’re really good at your job” is more impactful than “Your shoes look nice.” Take the time to tell your friends you appreciate their support when they show up for you. Be sure to let your family know how much they help you make it through on tough days. This will enhance the feeling of appreciation you receive back.

Give your time
Here in 2020, you can find a cause dear to your heart with a quick internet search. A great practice is to find something you are passionate about and volunteer your time. Whether it is spiritual, community based, political or just a hobby, giving your time will make others feel connected to you. Building a sense of camaraderie is key. Having accountability is a product of connecting with others that have a like-mindedness. It is very rewarding to contribute to something that is bigger than you. it brings life meaning and enhances interpersonal relationships.

Celebrate your accomplishments
On any day there are tons of issues to complain about. Did the barista get your order right? Did you forget your cell phone at home? Did you leave the oven on? Did your child finish their homework? A novel approach to counteract all the complaining is to celebrate the good things you have going on. Accomplishments are the perfect milestone to celebrate. Realistically, they occur every day if you think about it. You could celebrate getting all the things on your to-do list completed. You could treat yourself to ice cream if you get all your holiday shopping wrapped up. You could even toast to landing a new opportunity or promotion at work. With so many things to celebrate in life, you should do just that. It is even more exciting if you plan it in advance and get others on board. Invite your closest friend to have dinner or your significant other to share in the festivities. Joy is contagious, spread it around!